Michel Kacenelenbogen

Michel Kacenelenbogen

From 1979 to 1988, he played in more than 20 shows. Among others, The Marriage of Figaro, The Monk, The Trojan War will not take place, The Captain Fracasse, The Winter Tale ... on the stages of the National Theater, the Curtain of Brussels, the Galleries Company and a large number of young companies. He also staged Ibsen's Doll House.
Public Theater
In 1994, opening of the Public Theater where he is co-founder and co-director.
Theater - Played
He played in The Loves of Jacques the Fatalist of Diderot, directed by Luc Van Grunderbeeck; Chance of the corner of fire Crebillon and son and A Caprice Alfred de Musset, directed by Pietro Pizzuti; Eric-Emmanuel Schmitt's Enigmatic Variations, A Pornographic Link by Philippe Blasband and Eric-Emmanuel Schmitt's Petits Crimes Marital (re-enacted in 2005), three shows staged by Patricia Houyoux; and Othello by William Shakespeare directed by Pierre Laroche. He has also worked under the direction of Frédéric Dussenne But does not walk naked and is all purge baby Georges Feydeau. During the 2005-2006 season, he played in a play by Eric-Emmanuel Schmitt Mr. Ibrahim and the flowers of the Quran (resumed in 2006-2007) (nominated among 3 as best comedian of the year).
In 2007, he plays David Lodge's Secret Thoughts in a staging by Benoît Verhaert and Michel Audiard's Garde à vue, Garbo no longer has the smile of Vinciane Moeschler and Sincerely Olivier Coyette in 2010.
In 2012-2013, he played Skylight by David Hare and Le Bourgeois gentilhomme by Molière, in 2013-2014, Les 37 sous de Montaudoin, in 2014-2015, Finely played by Bernard Cogniaux, in 2015-2016, Two men all naked from Sébastien Thiéry and Molière's Le Malade imaginaire, in 2016-2017, Romain Gary's Promise of dawn and in 2017-2018, Sébastien Thiéry's Momo and Conversations with my father by Jean-Claude Grumberg.
Theater - Staged
He also directed the stagings of Death of a traveling salesman of Arthur Miller, The Misanthrope of Molière, After the rehearsal of Ingmar Bergman (nominated for the best staging at the prices of the theater), End of Part of Samuel Beckett, Kean after Alexandre Dumas (nominated for the best stage direction at the theater awards), Véronique Olmi's Standing Chaos, Tennessee Williams's Tennessee Desire, Anton Chekhov's Cherry Orchard, Cindy's Star Tracks Lou Johnson and August Strindberg's Dance of Death.
During the 2002-2003 season, he directed John Steinbeck's Mice and Men, A Month in the Turgenev Country, and Oscar Wilde's Ideal Husband at the Royal Park Theater.
In 2004-2005, he staged Eric-Emmanuel Schmitt's Le Libertin, a coproduction of the Jean-Vilar Workshop, Jean-Vilar Theater Workshop and ADAC, Bernard Shaw's Pygmalion, Claude Semal's Candidate and Véronique Olmi's Mathilde.
In the course of the 2005-2006 season, he staged a world premiere of Eric-Emmanuel Schmitt's Tectonic Feelings as well as a special day of Ettore Scola.
During the 2006-2007 season, he directed Jean-Claude Grumberg's Atelier, Seaside by Véronique Olmi and Ingmar Bergman's Scenes of Married Life, and Philippe Blasband's In the Beginning (Integrated Performance). in the exhibition "God (x), how to use").
These last five years; He directs the productions of Yasmina Reza's The God of Carnage, Molière's Dom Juan, Dan Gordon's Rain Man, Michel Huisman's Intox, Suddenly Last Summer of Tennessee Williams, John Patrick Shanley's Doubt, A Thread to the Feydeau's paw, The life ahead of Romain Gary, John Logan's Red and Cyrano de Bergerac by Edmond Rostand.
In 2013 - 2014, it will bring to the scene Last remorse before the forgetfulness of Jean-Luc Lagarce and Who's afraid of Virginia Woolf? d'Albion, in 2014-2015, Amarante, show of the Aztec Cows, Cabaret of John Kander, Fred Ebb and Joe Masteroff, Casanova, my lead flight of Serge de Poucques and Horace Mc Coy's horses are completed, in 2015-2016, The seventh continent of Thierry Janssen and in 2016-2017, Husbands and wives of Woody Allen. This season 2017-2018, he signs the staging of You said Broadway? of Antoine Guillaume
Television - Cinema
On television, he was co-producer, co-author and actor in the series Le Bonheur d'en face.
He played in Alain Nahun's Rivale; The Child of the Night by Marion Handwerker; The Monos of Luc Boland; An honest merchant of Philippe Blasband; The torpedo of Luc Boland; The Gérard Marx Honor Award; Poppies of Philippe Blasband and Odette everyone from Eric-Emmanuel Schmitt.
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